Voice Lessons To Go™ is an acclaimed vocal warm-up CD series that has sold over 100,000 CDs and
. Ariella Vaccarino, creator of Voice Lessons To Go™, guides listeners through a wide range of singing
, providing explanations and vocal examples to piano accompaniment.
The “Voice Lessons To Go” collection includes the recently-released “Vocal Repair,” a singing curriculum specifically designed for the tired, over-taxed, and recovering voice. Other CDs include “Voice Lessons To Go: v.1 Vocalize and Breath,” “Voice Lessons To Go: v.2 Do Re Mi Ear and Pitch Training,” “Voice Lessons To Go: v.3 Pure Vowels,” “Voice Lessons To Go: v.4 Stamina,” all of which are for teens and adults. “
Out Proud!”, meanwhile, is a popular singing CD for children. The CDs and downloads are available at voicelessonstogo.com, iTunes, Amazon, Target, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, Best Buy and other popular e-tailers.
Everyone from karaoke fans to Broadway singers, from novices who don’t want to pay for voice lessons to parents who want a fun CD to entertain kids in the car, can enjoy and learn from Ariella. “Vocal Repair,” for example, is an inexpensive
to help maintain and recover a healthy voice for singers, actors, teachers, speaker, dancers, and anyone who uses their voice for work or
. The other CDs in the collection can help singers of all types improve their voice and technique.
I have a chance to give away a vocal training CD for kids. To enter, leave a comment with what you (or
your kid
) love about singing. Deadline is December 18th.
I also had a chance to interview Ariella to learn more.
Why did you create Voice Lessons To Go?
I had been teaching about 35 students a week in Beverly Hills for years. In general, I always started them off with a long
vocal warm-up. I would pull vocal exercises out to suit each
, and had developed many variations on vocal training.
I thought to myself one day. I could record these and reach masses of
. I knew that private vocal instruction was expensive, and not everyone could access a private teacher due to cost, location, or time. But so many people love to sing at so many different levels.
Why not offer a product that shares high level vocal warm-ups to anyone who wants to develop and improve their own singing? You don't have to be a singing professional to want to be "your best singer".
How did you get started as a singer?
I always sang. I was told as a baby I would "la" when I cried. Then at age 5, I was at a birthday party sitting around a table with all the kids. We all sang Happy Birthday and all the parents could not believe the voice coming out of me. It was this big huge sound with a developed vibrato singing with all these "regular sounding" 5 year olds. I think that is when my parents knew I had a real talent to sing.
Who are these lessons appropriate for?
Anyone who wants to sing, any level, any genre. That is the beauty of them. The professional singer can use them as a supplement to their own voice lessons, a disciplined regiment for regular training, and as a solid vocal daily warm-up. The novice, can access all the same instruction and work at their own level, in their car or at home, and at heir own pace.
What are the two biggest mistakes you see/hear singers make?
1. I would say picking the wrong music is a big one. Just because you love R & B doesn't mean you are good at it. Find what your voice is meant to sing and stick with it. Stay true to your natural sound and don't try and mimic someone else's voice.
2. Not staying in vocal shape. That means the singer needs to do regular vocal training so that they are ready if a singing opportunity comes their way. Singing is like a sport. It uses muscles. If you are not in active training your muscles will be weak and will not support the vocal mechanism correctly. This can lead to bad singing habits and vocal stress.
About Voice Lessons To Go
Founded in 2004 by Ariella Vaccarino, “Voice Lessons To Go” offers quality vocal training products at an affordable price for both the professional and aspiring vocalist. Ms. Vaccarino is an accomplished Opera singer, has performed on numerous movie soundtracks, and has been
voice and piano for over 20 years in the Los Angeles area. For more information about “Voice Lessons To Go” or Ms. Vaccarino, please visit