Kid's Consult

Do you need a professional ear to advise you on your child’s voice? Do you have questions about your child's vocal abilities, technical or performance challenges and strengths, or the best path for their vocal training?

With a Kid’s Consult, Ariella will review a recording of your child singing, up to 5 of your questions, and provide a 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your child’s voice.

Kid’s Consult

* Review of 1 voice or video recording of your child

* 15 min. phone consultation regarding your child’s singing or training

Cost: $49.99

After purchasing a consultation, simply email a video or audio recording to (email) along with any relevant questions you would like to discuss during the consultation. Any recording will do – nothing professional is required. It can be as simple as recording audio or video on your smartphone! You can attach a file or send a link to a YouTube video. Ariella will review your child’s voice and your questions. Then she will email you to set up your 15-minute phone consultation.

The Kid’s Consult was design specifically for the parent and child. For other assessment options, visit the Vocal Assessment page.